“We are at a unique stage in our history. Never before have we had such an awareness of what we are doing to the planet, and never before have we had the power to do something about that.” - Attenborough, D.
In 1989, NASA conducted a Clean Air Study to explore ways to clean the air in sealed environments such as space stations. This study highlighted the importance of understanding air quality and the effects that volatile organic pollutants (such as formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and benzene), oxides of nitrogen, ozone, and particulate matter (PM2.5/PM10) have on health. Since then, numerous studies have examined whether indoor air quality affects health, performance, comfort, and wellbeing (Jones, 1999). Children, in particular, are more vulnerable to exposure to indoor air pollutants because they inhale more air relative to their body size and weight compared to adults (Bako-Biro et al., 2012; Sadrizadeh et al., 2022).
On average, boys at Arnold House spend 68% of their time in classrooms, making it the second most important indoor environment where they could be exposed to indoor air pollutants.
Over the past three decades, studies have consistently highlighted the significant impact of indoor air quality on various aspects of health, particularly respiratory health (which can, in turn, affect vulnerability to airborne pathogens) and cognitive performance, especially in classroom settings. Research has shown that poor air quality, characterised by high levels of pollutants such as carbon dioxide, particulate matter, and volatile organic compounds, can adversely affect students' concentration, learning progression, and overall cognitive function (Johnson, 2018; Tham, 2016; Korsavi, 2020) . These pollutants can lead to symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and respiratory problems, which in turn hinder academic performance and the ability to focus. The growing body of evidence underscores the critical importance of maintaining good indoor air quality in schools to foster a healthy, productive learning environment, making it essential to reduce levels of indoor air pollution to promote optimal educational outcomes (Sadrizadeh et al., 2022).
The simplest and most effective solution to improving indoor air quality is proper ventilation, which involves refreshing the air by replacing stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air. Fortunately, our school is well-equipped in this regard, with numerous windows in classrooms that are often kept open, allowing for adequate air circulation. Additionally, we benefit from the expansive space at Canons Park, further enhancing our ability to maintain a high air quality environment for our boys to learn and play in. However, it is crucial for parents to understand that their transportation habits, particularly the time spent idling in cars during drop-off and pick-up, can negatively affect the air quality entering our school buildings. During the last half term, we conducted the Hands Up travel survey for Westminster Council, which asked the boys in Years 2-8 to report their most common mode of transport to school. This data collection helps us to emphasise the importance of choosing environmentally friendly transportation options to ensure the best possible air quality for our boys.
The boys were given the option of 11 different modes of transport, categorised as follows: 100% Green, Public Transport, and Car/Motor. Currently, 45% of boys use Car/Motor, 20% use Public Transport, and 34% rely on fully green transport.
While one can fully appreciate that the busyness of everyday life, particularly in London, does not always allow for walking or cycling to school, there are small changes that can be made to reduce vehicle emissions; for instance, reducing time spent idling in cars.
Idling Action London has conducted research showing the significant impact of idling on localised air pollution both at pedestrian level and inside vehicles. TRL's research in 2021 found that pollution levels near idling vehicles were about ten times higher than average air pollution levels. Additionally, idling is thought to produce more than double the emissions released when driving. TRL's research summarised the impact of idling as follows: ‘A large diesel family-sized car may emit up to 0.07g of NOx per minute while idling. Idling outside the school gates for just 5 minutes, in the morning and afternoon, emits 0.7g a day. This means that in one academic year, as much as 133g could be released.’
Westminster City Council launched an anti-idling campaign several years ago due to Westminster being one of the most air-polluted areas in the country. Recently, they have set up air quality monitors in several areas, particularly in schools: WCC Near real-time air quality monitors map
Three exhaust emissions significantly increase when a car is idling: Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx, NO, and NO2), Carbon Dioxide, and Particulate Matter.
Using the “Westminster Air Quality platform,” we can monitor the air quality near the school in near real-time. Spikes in NO2 levels around the school can be observed at pick-up times. While there are many factors to consider, this deterioration in air quality aligns with data showing significantly more traffic from cars at that time, particularly idling vehicles, outside the school. Additionally, there is a distinct gradual rise in average NO2 levels since August, possibly indicating increased car usage as the weather worsens. This data demonstrates how our behaviour impacts the air quality that everyone in the Arnold House community breathes. However, it is not all negative; the data also shows that pollution levels consistently drop below or equal to the WHO guidelines throughout the day.
To conclude, the quality of air inside classrooms plays a crucial role in safeguarding boys' physical health and enhancing their cognitive learning abilities, thereby creating a more conducive learning environment. Reducing indoor air pollution through effective ventilation and minimising the presence of harmful pollutants is essential. Our school’s proactive measures, including the use of windows for natural ventilation, the inclusion of indoor air-purifying plants and leveraging the spacious Canons Park, are steps in the right direction. However, it is equally important for parents and guardians to also help to contribute by reducing car idling during drop-off and pick-up times. By turning off engines, we can significantly reduce the emission of pollutants that negatively impact the air quality entering our school buildings.
So, next time you complete the school run, I urge you to switch off your engine and reduce idling time to help ensure that our boys learn in a healthier, cleaner environment, fostering better academic and personal development. And if ever possible, consider walking!
Keeley Miller
Head of Science, Head of PSHE, Environment Coordinator, Year 8 Form Tutor